His Servants Bible Camp 2024 Registration Camp beings at 10 am Monday morning and ends after the evening chapel on the last day. WHAT TO BRINGKing James BibleClothes – enough for the days attendingToothbrush and toothpasteTowel, washcloth, and soapSleeping bag & pillowInsect repellentJacketFood, plates, cup, and eating utensilsBike and helmet (optional) WHAT NOT TO BRINGElectronics – media players, phones, tabletsWeapons including firearms and knifesSwimsuitsSheer blousesSweat pants or baggy pantsShorts or short skirtsFireworks Dress CodeFemales must wear culottes, skirts, or dresses to the bottom of the knee.Males must wear modest masculine clothes.Parents attending the camp with their children are asked to meet the dress code as well. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.ChildName *FirstLastCamp Attending *Please choose a campAges 4-7 (June 10-12, 2024)Ages 8-12 (June 17-19, 2024)Ages 13-19 (June 24-28, 2024)Age *Parent / GuardianName *FirstLastEmail *Phone *Information you would like to share such as allergies, medical conditions, etc.Signature (use a mouse or finger on a touch device) * Clear Signature I, the undersigned parent / legal guardian of the child listed above, give permission for my child to go to His Servants Bible Camp as part of the Independent Baptist Church Camp Program. I understand and agree that neither Pastor Terry McGovern, camp director Michael Forss, nor any of the camp counselors, nor the Independent Baptist Church shall be held liable for any accident or injuries incurred traveling to, from, or during the camp program. I also hereby authorize any adult counselor to consent for medical or surgical treatment for my child in the event that neither parent is available at the time such consent for treatment is necessary.CommentSubmit